Women of Faith
CCIW DISCIPLES WOMEN FALL RETREAT WALTER SCOTT CAMP AND LEARNING CENTER SEPT. 28-29 Come, get inspired by the stories of women we meet in the Bible as they navigate life’s...
Come Together: Intergenerational Ministry
Come Together: Intergenerational Ministry and activities with a Messy Church experience AIM Conference Intergenerational ministry nurtures Christ-centered community, bringing together multiple generations to experience God as they learn from and...
Joint Regional Assembly
Our Joint Regional Assembly, Business meetings will be Friday Evening for the Intent to Merge resolution vote. Saturday Worship followed by a presentation by Disciples Women, Domestic Violence: Establishing Safe...
2025 Blessing Box Retreat
First Christian Church, Lansing MI 1001 Chester Road, Lansing, MI, United StatesPostponing until a later date
Clergy Ethics Training
Spirituality Connecting To The Devine In and Around Us
Sabbath and Sabbatical: A Panel Discussion
Riverside Park Christian Church 3001 Veronica Dr., St. Joseph, MI, United StatesEvent: Sabbath and Sabbatical Location: Riverside Park Christian Church Located on the back side of Zion UCC, 3001 Veronica Dr., St. Joseph, MI Enter on the East Side of the building (Riverside Park has a dedicated entrance) or enter the main entrance and walk straight back. There will be signage. Lodging: You are responsible for your own lodging. A block of 20 rooms (King beds) has been reserved for $92.00 plus tax at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1300 Cinema Way, Benton Harbor, MI 49022. Phone: 269.926.5000 This year's event will feature a panel discussion on the theme of Sabbath and Sabbatical, exploring the significance and impact...
The Spring Disciples Women Gathering
Mosaic Christian Church 2507 W Newman Pkwy, Peoria, IL, United StatesConnect with recent and long-time friends. Explore various spiritual disciplines during this experiential retreat. Share Communion and dedicate your Blessing Box offerings. Keynote Speaker: Rev. Amy Sue Johnson Rev. Amy Sue Johnson grew up in...
Choices for Abundant Living
Journey of Faith CC 120 N. HURON ST, YPSILANTI, MI, United StatesAn Ethical Boundaries Training Event DEADLINE: APRIL 22 Tentative Schedule: 9:00 AM - 9:45 Gathering, Introductions, Icebreakers 9:45 - 10:30 Introduction to the Abundant Life, Claiming the Abundant Life 10:30 - 10:45 Break 10:45 - 12:00 PM Naming our Values 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch 1:00 - 2:30 Boundaries, Profession/ Vocation, Power and Authority 2:30 - 2:45 Break 2:45 - 3:15 Special Topics (Friendship, Social Media, etc.) 3:15 – 3:30 Closing Ritual
2025 Blessing Box Tea
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4 Join us, as Ashley leads us creating a tangible symbol...
2025 Coffee Connections for Disciple Women
Zoom MeetingBlooming in All Stages Gathering to begin at 9:30 am with Discussion to begin at 10:00 am - Noon Central Standard Time or 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Cost: Free A Zoom link will be email to you.