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Reflection on Tragedy in Connecticut

By December 15, 2012No Comments

            I went to sleep, the images I had seen on television, the pain and anguish I heard in President Obama’s voice as I listened on the car radio, trapped in the numbness that came over me when I first heard of the massacre of innocents in Connecticut. I awoke to the painful reality that what I heard and saw was not some awful nightmare, but yet another human tragedy, almost beyond comprehension.

            I cannot fathom the unimaginable horror experienced by the mother facing the son who developed into a living being inside her at that moment being her executioner. My spirit is downcast as I ponder the stark terror that swept over those children as gunfire erupted in the safe haven that became a death chamber. The inevitable question emerges: what is this world coming to?

            In the midst of such reflections, these words of Jesus lift me from the depths of despair: “I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)  No matter how dreadful the experiences of life that befall us, we have a source of strength and comfort to carry us through. Let us draw upon this strength as we move forward in coming to grips with what has occurred and strive to encourage those around us.

            When you pray, please remember the parents and families that have suffered such devastating losses, the staff of the school as they wrestle with myriad emotions and questions, the first responders who witnessed the results of the carnage first hand, those health care professionals who waited in vain for other survivors to treat, the religious leaders who endeavor to help the community to heal, and leaders in education and government as they seek strategies to prevent the recurrence of such acts of violence. 

Your Regional Minister,

Rev. Eugene James, Jr.

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