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Staff Changes At CCMR Office

By August 15, 2022No Comments

The Personnel Commission of the Christian Church Michigan Region, DOC would like to announce with regret the departure from our staff of Administrative Assistant Jessica Burton. We thank Jessica for her time with us, and are grateful for the love and support that she has put forth in this position. We prayerfully wish her well, and thank her for her service and the love that she has shared with many. 

We would like to assure everyone that during this time, as we work to discern the next steps for the Michigan Region, that Illinois/Wisconsin will be supporting us by providing the administrative assistant services that we need during this period of transition. They will be taking care of phone calls and emails, etc. 

As things get settled from this transition, more definitive information will be shared. Please be patient as we make this transition, and keep all involved in your prayers.

– Michigan Region Personnel Commission

Julie Drews, Jerrolynn Hockenhull, Richard Boomer

Contact information to use for Office Admin for Michigan Disciples:; 309.828.6293. 

Call forwarding and mail forwarding have been set up. Please mail CCMR, c/o 401 W Jefferson St., Bloomington, IL  61701